Sunday, November 26, 2017

I Must Say I Don't Like It

Everything happens so fast --  I feel like just yesterday we watched movies in your laptop, just the two of us. You still watch movies now. Without me, and only in between your endless  tasks from work. You’ll end up falling asleep after a long tiring day, while me, wide awake until 3 AM in the morning just because I had enough sleep the whole day.

I hate promises.

They will only lead to two things, desperate waiting game or serious amount of upset. Better no words than a broken promises, don’t you think? I’m telling this to myself over and over so that I won’t ever give false promises to anyone. And maybe the universe will return the favor back to me.

This morning I read a very confusing writing.The writer, he said “Losing someone who can’t be so sure of you isn’t really a loss. You are only wasting your time bulding your hope for something that’s going to hurt you in the end.” Is it because he’s a guy, that he would never understand how a loss really mean? It’s true, i’m sick of the idea that someone I love feels doubt of me, but letting go of him after being with you for so many years, it’s a different story.

Is it what it is that people call it growing up? I must say I don’t like it. It needed lots of crying in the process. And the nerve to let go.

A wise man said once, “Never allow someone to be your priority when all you are to them is just an option. Never put yourself in a position where your feelings and needed are not being honored. Above all, never settle for indecisiveness.”

Again, there’s so much questions in my head.

But I need to find the answer for one thing right now. Is being all by myself really is scary, after all? 

Monday, November 20, 2017

My Favorite Fashion on Movie Scenes

I love watching spy movies, as much as i love drowning myself in Marvel universe LOL! Tapi kalau ditanya film apa yang sering ditonton berulang kali tanpa bosan terutama pas lagi nggak ada kerjaan atau lagi butuh tontonan sambil makan.......jawabannya adalah film cewek! Terutama yang punya banyak koleksi fashion yang lucu-lucu sepanjang film. Kalau ada cerita tentang make over penampilan si karakter, udah deh, i'm sold!

Here's some of my all time favorite 'fashionable' movies!

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

November Beauty Wishlishtku

Berkhayal dikit boleh ya? Sebenernya banyak banget sih wishlist makeup yang belum kesampean dibeli, belum lagi kalau ditambah daftar skincare. Tapi salah sendiri juga lewat drugstore dikit langsung nyomot satu lipstick, terus paling susah nahan diri buat nggak jajan, akibatnya ya yang beneran pengen dibeli jadi nggak kebeli melulu kan?

So, long story short, dari daftar panjang wishlist koleksi makeup, barang-barang ini yang paling bikin gemes dan aku harus banget punya. 

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

First Hello!


After few confusing days, akhirnya memutuskan untuk kembali nulis blog dan pilihannya kembali jatuh ke blogspot. Alasannya? Karena paling familiar sih, walaupun udah sempet nyaman nulis di wordpress juga hehe. Still not sure what to pour here tapi semoga bisa konsisten nulis dan nggak ada postingan nggak penting. Ciao!